Brewing Up Ideas: Sahara Happy Hour

Geotech was pleased to sponsor Sahara Happy Hour, an evening attended by the mining and exploration community in Burkina Faso, on Friday, May 27, 2016 in Ouagadougou.


 We would like to thank Sahara Mining Services for hosting the event.

Thank you to all the guests who were in attendance:

  • Ministère des Mines, des Carrières et de l’Energie du Burkina
  • Bureau des Mines et de la Géologie du Burkina Faso (BUMIGEB)
  • Burkina Faso – Mineral Development Support Project (PADSEM)
  • SEMAFO Inc.
  • Acacia Mining plc
  • Many more mining and exploration companies active in West Africa
  • And to the mining and exploration service providers.
Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour – Doug Pitcher

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour – Doug Pitcher


Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour – Doug Pitcher

Sahara Happy Hour

Sahara Happy Hour – Doug Pitcher


Mining happy hour is the place to catch up with colleagues, to exchange news and do some networking over a cold beer. Each week the event is sponsored by a different company from the mining sector.

SAHARA is a 2016 member of CLEAN UP WEST AFRICA – 2016. Join us to help clean up West Africa rubbish, Educate our children, family and employees in taking pride and respect in West Africa.

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