VII International Astana Mining & Metallurgy Congress & Expo – AMM 2016

New approaches in the development of mining and metallurgical sector of Kazakhstan in the conditions of the existing realities will be determined at the 7th International Congress “Astana Mining & Metallurgy” AMM 2016, scheduled for June 15-16 in Astana.

Visit booth 12 to meet Alexander Prikhodko.

AMM Congress and Expo 2016

The large-scale event will allow to establish new business connections, exchange experience with foreign colleagues as well as to attract foreign specialists and investors to our country.

  • The Forum, this year the speakers of which will be the Prime Minister of Kazakhstan Karim Massimov, the Chairman of the Committee for Mineral Reserves International Accounting Standards Harry Parker, the Group CEO of “Polymetal International” Vitaly Nesis and other industry figures of authority;
  • The Exhibition of advanced technologies and innovations for companies of the mining and metallurgical industry;
  • The “Golden Hephaestus” Award – national industry competition honoring the achievements of the specialists and companies of Kazakhstan in the sphere of MMC.

In 2015, AMM Forum was attended by 686 delegates from 40 countries. On the main business platform of ​​Kazakhstan in the sphere of MMC a number of important bilateral documents were signed. For example “Kazgeology” and “Korea Resources Corporation” agreed on joint projects on exploration of polymetals, as well as the agreement on joint exploration of base and precious metals was signed between “Kazgeology” JSC and “Ulmus Besshoky” LLP. As part of the Exhibition on technologies and innovations at AMM 2015 a new section “Made in Kazakhstan for MMC” was presented for the first time.

During the Forum, see Geotech and our joint venture partners KazGeotech and Kazgeology speak during the first forum session on June 16, 2016.


Topics for discussion:

1. Natural resources code

2. The decade’s investment projects

3. Converting to CRIRSCO’s international standards


Galym Nurzhanov – Chairman of the Board, National Exploration Company «Kazgeology» JSC(confirmed)

  • Topic of the speech: «Opportunities and experience of carrying out land geophysical surveys of JSC «Kazgeology» JSC

Alexander Prikhodko – Managing Director, Central Asia and Russia, Geotech Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Canada

  • Topic of the speech: « Aero geophysical electromagnetic VTEM and ZTEM technologies – international experience of the Geotech company»
Galym Nurzhanov AMM 2015 Kazgeology

Galym Nurzhanov AMM 2015 Kazgeology

Alexander Prikhodko – Managing Director, Central Asia and Russia, Geotech Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Canada

Alexander Prikhodko – Managing Director, Central Asia and Russia, Geotech Airborne Geophysical Surveys, Canada

Photography from AMM Mining & Metallurgy

Kazakhstan is a member of CRIRSCO - edit

Kazakhstan is a member of CRIRSCO

KazGeotech booth set up - edit

KazGeotech booth




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