The survey is being flown by Geotech Ltd of Aurora, Ontario and will collect VTEM-plus electromagnetic and magnetic data over a large and detailed survey grid totalling approximately 5,000 kilometres of flight lines and extending over an area almost 70 kilometres in length. This is a substantial survey covering all of the Alliance properties acquired by staking as announced by Tri Origin in a news release dated September 23, 2015.
The survey covers regional target areas identified by Tri Origin along the southern margin of the Abitibi Greenstone Belt in the Cobalt-Temagami region where the prospective Archean-age volcanic rocks are covered by younger, regionally extensive, Proterozoic-age sedimentary rocks. These cover rocks precluded historic prospecting and limited the effectiveness of earlier geophysical equipment which had minimal depth penetration capability. Furthermore, much of this terrain was excluded from exploration during the time period between 1970 and 2000 due to land cautions and exploration moratoriums. Tri Origin’s management believes that the prospective, covered Archean rocks can now be effectively explored using modern geophysical techniques and drilling.
Download the full release here: Tri Origin Exploration Survey