A helicopter-borne MAG-VTEM survey has been completed over the 10 km2 Kinsley Project, in order to better define drill targets on a regional scale. In 2014, Pilot Gold discovered the Western Flank gold deposit in the Secret Canyon Shale and outlined an indicated gold resource of 284,000 ounces grading 6.04 g/t and an additional inferred resource of 39,000 ounces of gold grading 2.41 g/t (using multiple cut-offs1). In 2016, one drill target southwest of the Kinsley Main historic pit was tested with four holes, with no significant gold intercepts. Twelve new target areas, some of which have been confirmed to be gold bearing based on compilation of historical drill results, have been selected for potential future drill programs. The airborne survey will be used to assist in locating drill holes for these future programs.
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