The initial 800m phase of a planned 2,000m diamond drill program will test the highly-conductive air and ground geophysical anomaly designated as Anomaly “A”. The anomaly contains a primary target zone extending from near-surface to over 400m in depth, and a secondary zone from near-surface to about 425m. A third conductive zone, which is shallow, but not as well defined than the other two zones, may represent an oxide cap. It will also be tested by the first two drill holes on their way to their deeper objectives.
Drilling is scheduled to commence in the first week of June, as repairs to access roads resulting from recent heavy rains have been completed. If results warrant, the remaining 1,200m of the drill program comprising 3 test holes of the remaining unexplored, deep, conductive zones, will be initiated.
The Company holds 12 other BLM mining claims in the Peck Mining District near Crown King, half of which contain geophysical anomalies revealed by an MCR completed “VTEM” airborne survey (see Press Release dated May 14, 2014). Although these additional anomalies are not as large as the one on the “Green Mohave 2” claim, they will be the subject of additional geophysical and geochemical surveys.

Q-Gold Resources – 2011 Airborne VTEM Survey – EM conductors on Total Magnetic Intensity (TMI) with Interpreted Faults

Q-Gold Resources – 2011 Airborne VTEM Survey – “A” Anomaly – Profile – Flight line 1280 – Strongest EM conductive response
Read the press release here.
Read the Q-Gold Resources Initial Diamond Drilling Program Central Arizona Volcanic Belt download.