Appia Identifies 94 KM’s of Structure Corridors, Prospective for High-Grade Uranium, from Airborne Geophysical Survey Over Loranger Property, Athabasca Basin

TORONTO, ONTARIO, December 13, 2016 – Appia Energy Corp. (the “Company or “Appia”) (CSE: API) is pleased to announce that the final results for the airborne VTEMTM Max Time-Corridor electromagnetic (“EM”) and magnetic survey (the “Survey”) over the Company’s Loranger property (the “Property”) have been received from Geotech Ltd. (“Geotech”) and reviewed by the Company. The Property is located 28 km southeast of Cameco’s Rabbit Lake mill, Athabasca Basin, northern Saskatchewan. Appia would also like to announce the release of its newly designed website; The website is powered by Blender Media.

The Survey identified a total of 94 km of primary northeast-southwest oriented structural corridors (Figure 1, black lines), occurring over 33 km strike length of the Property, that share similar geophysical characteristics to a number of Athabasca Basin high-grade uranium deposits (“uranium deposits”) (Figure 1). Specific characteristic details have been identified and are known to occur within other uranium deposits. These include the following:

  • conductive zones exceeding 10 km in contiguous strike length (Figure 1, conductors 1 and 3),
  • conductor offsets (“jogs”) associated with very conductive materials (“bright spots”) (Figure 1, Inset 3),
  • jogs associated with the lack of conductive materials (“low spots”) (Figure 1, Inset 2), and
  • bifurcated and sub-parallel conductors (Figure 1, Inset 1).


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Category: News Story

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